
Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct oblige us to run our business responsibly, ethical and in line with laws and regulations.
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Transparancy act

We want to share our commitment to sustainability and responsible production. The Transparancy act, which entered into force on 1 July 2022, gives us a unique opportunity to show how we take responsibility for our entire value chain.
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Sustainable technology meets wool

Devold and Celsia collaborate to simplify sustainability reporting and ensure competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises.
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A milestone has been reached: Devold of Norway AS has been certified as Eco-lighthouse.
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This is Devold Protection

Vår fabrik

Noggrannhet. Precision. Kontroll. På vår miljöcertifierade fabrik i Litauen har vi kontroll på varje steg i processen. Vår produktion går inte ut på att generera enorma kvantiteter. Det handlar om att vartenda ullplagg ska vara vävt, sytt och noggrant kontrollerat av människor som har det bra på jobbet.
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Vi lanserade vårt ”Sheep to Shop”-program 2017 med ett löfte om full spårbarhet och total insyn i varje steg i vår värdekedja.
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Uncompromising quality

For more than 160 years, Devold has been developing wool products offering unbeatable comfort, quality, and protection. We’re international pioneers in the development of innovative merino wool designed for outdoor enthusiasts, adventurers, and professionals working in demanding environments. What’s our secret? Uncompromising quality.
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Våra farmare

Devold har valt sina partners noggrant, - gårdsfamiljer som räknar drygt ett dussin har utvecklat merinoproduktion genom generationer.
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Devold since 1853

We at Devold have made choices for 167 years. We opt for long-term relationships with our employees, methods that are gentle on both animals and the environment, and, where possible, we opt not to use plastic. We make choices that create a better future for us and our planet.
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